ARBA Rex Standard of Perfection (SOP)
See Educational Tab for a list of suggested groupings of varieties that are genetically compatible and can be bred together.
Tri is also accepted under the Broken Group. The solid version, Brindle, is not.
Amber, Black, Blue, Broken, Californian, Castor, Chinchilla, Chocolate, Lilac, Lynx, Opal, Otter, Red, Sable, Seal, White
Schedule of Points:
General Type - 45 (Body - 35, Head - 3, Ears - 3, Eyes - 1, Feet & Legs - 2, Tail - 1)
Fur - 40
Color - 10
Condition - 5
Classes & Weights:
Senior Bucks - 6 months of age and over 7.5lbs to 9.5lbs, ideal weight 8lbs
Senior Does - 6 months of age and over 8.0lbs to 10.5lbs, ideal weight 9lbs
Junior Bucks - Under 6 months of age and over 4.0lbs to 8.0lbs, ideal weight 8lbs
Junior Does - Under 6 months of age and over 4.0lbs to 8.5lbs, ideal weight 8lbs
General Type:
Body - Points 35. The ideal Rex is a well proportioned animal that will give the impression of balance and uniformity. The animal should exemplify meat producing qualities, having medium body length, well-rounded hips, well filled loin, ribs, and shoulders that balance with the rest of the body. The body is to have enough depth to balance other portions. Top body line should rise in a gradual curve from the base of the ears to the center of the hip and then fall in a smooth curve downward to the base of the tail. Legs must be short enough to dispel any appearance of raciness or of being rangy. Bone is to be medium. General body type consists of body, head, ears, eyes, feet and legs, and tail.
Shoulders - Shoulder are to be well developed and well filled, balancing with rib spread and hips. They should be slightly narrower in width and slightly lower than the hips.
Back & Sides - Back and sides are to be broad, firm, and meaty, carrying as much flesh as possible on both sides of the spine and throughout its entire length. Side lines should taper slightly from hind quarter towards shoulders. Side appearance should be of good depth to conform with the width of the body. The belly should be firm.
Hindquarter - Hindquarters are to be broad, smooth, and well filled with solid, firm flesh. Lower sides of the hip and back are to be well developed. Hindquarters are to be slightly larger and deeper, but balancing closely with the shoulders.
Faults – Narrow shoulders; long, narrow body; pottiness; extremely short coupled body, chopped off, and undercut hindquarter; fine bone.
Disqualifications – Extreme raciness or ranginess.
Head - Points 3. Head to be broad and set close on the shoulders. Head is to be proportion and harmonize with the body.
Faults - Narrow head; pointed nose; small head that does not balance with body.
Ears - Points 3. Ears are to be medium thick, well set on the head, and in proportion to size of the body. Ears are to be carried erect.
Faults - Thin ears; large ears that do not balance with the body
Eyes - Points 1. Eyes are to be bright and bold.
Feet & Legs - Points 2. Feet and legs shall be medium bone, straight and rather short in length. Toenails in amber, black, blue, Castor, chinchilla, chocolate, lilac, lynx, Opal, Otter, red, sable, and seal are to be dark. Californian are to be horn color and dark as possible. Toenails and whites are to be white or flesh colored. Brokens are not to be disqualified for one or more colored toenails. Feet should be well padded.
Faults - Long legs, giving impression of raciness or ranginess; too fine in bone.
Disqualifications - Toenails not matching on same foot and corresponding foot. (Except on brokens).
Tail - Points 1. Tail to be well carried, in proportion, and harmonize with size of the body.
Fur: 40 Points
Fur is to be extremely dense with length no less than 1/2’ or more than 7/8”, ideal length 5/8”. Fur is to be straight, upright, and as nearly as possible, the same length and texture over the entire body. Fur is to have a lustrous appearance. Guard hairs are to be very plentiful and evenly distributed, but not too noticeably protruding. Fur is to be of goof body and plush like effect, offering a distinct springy resistance to the touch. It should feel extremely smooth to the touch, but must not have a soft silky texture, which would destroy the springiness.
Faults - Dullness or lack of luster; noticeably protruding guard hair, particularly if curly; coarse, harsh or wiry texture; wavy or uneven appearance; soft or silky texture; lack of guard hairs, causing fur to lie flat when stroked.
Disqualifications - Any of the above faults, if severe enough to destroy typical Rex appearance. Average fur length less than 1/2” or more than 7/8”